Monday, June 15, 2009

Monday, June 15th

Greetings friends of the Plymouth Heights team.
I, Karen Lubbers, an International teams short-termer, wanted to write to you today. I have been hosting your wonderful team ever since they arrived. I had the privilege of picking up your group of nine from the airport and introducing them to Uganda. For the past week they have been living in the guest house with me – for that is my home. The team has been a joy to serve!! And they are blessing us immensely.
Today was another diverse day. Carolyn continued her teachings on the Book of Philippians and many of the attendees are asking amazing questions or sharing relevant stories about joy in suffering. Bob started part one of a Business seminar, which will hopefully give people a small grasp on how to start a business or continue on with one wisely. Ernie continued on with handyman projects at Amacet, the orphanage. Most of the gang also went back to Amacet throughout the day to play with babies and rejoice in the small steps. Babies who couldn’t crawl a few days ago from weakness are now giggling and scooting around. Laughter, singing, and encouragement is all happening at the orphanage.
A few members of the team spent the day pondering how the Lord is working in Uganda, praying for the nation, and for the many people they have met. Tonight we witnessed a miracle... a baby that looked like it was on the verge of death yesturday in Karamoja arrived in Soroti today with it’s head held high and clarity in it’s eyes. Tomorrow the baby will see a doctor for a full examination.
This evening we all watched “An Unconventional War” and we just shook our heads at the horrors of a spiritual war that has been happening in Uganda for over two decades. Why have we never really heard or been educated on the happenings of the LRA and Joseph Kony? The brutality. The destruction of innocence for young boys and girls.
Please pray for the continued healing of Uganda as a nation... as they still recover from war.
Please continue to pray for the team as they serve for two more days in Soroti before beginning their journey south.
To God be the Glory!
Karen Lubbers

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the update Karen. Send our hellos to the Shaardas and Sliedrechts.

    And to the PH Team - We are continuing to pray for rest, grace, compassion and hope for each of you and in the work you're doing. God bless you and all those whose lives you are touching! Can't wait to hear how each of you are being effected by the sights and sounds of Uganda.

    Love and Peace,
    Don, Kelly and Ali
